Turn your world right-side-up again

Trauma Therapy for Chronic Illness


Chronic Illness has turned your world upside down: 

  • The way you think, feel, and connect with others.

  • The constant physical discomfort.

  • Never-ending medical appointments.

  • Lifestyle adjustments.

...but that doesn't have to mean living life on the sidelines

​Living with chronic illness is an ongoing battle, both physically and emotionally. Every day can feel like a roller coaster ride, filled with unique challenges and frustrations. 

You long for relief from constant pain.  You dream of waking up without the relentless ache, where your body feels light and free. You long to be able to enjoy activities without the heavy burden of discomfort. Imagine  engaging in everyday routines and activities without limitations. You want to be an active participant in life again, rather than an observer from the sidelines. 

You  crave connections with others who truly understand what you're going through. You desire empathy, support, and the feeling of being truly seen and heard.


​Imagine being able to let go of the self-blame and feelings of inadequacy that often accompany chronic illness. What if you were able to fully embrace your uniqueness and cultivate self-love, recognizing that you are more than your condition?

You wish to reclaim a sense of control over your life a  life where you feel empowered rather than helpless.

You long to find meaning in your journey with chronic illness. What if you could turn your experiences into something meaningful, use your challenges to help others, or contribute to a cause greater than yourself? 


You dream of a life of purpose, where you can make a positive impact despite your limitations.

With Trauma Therapy, I can help you embrace life fully despite the challenges of Chronic Illness

Somatic Experience Psychotherapy (SE), goes beyond traditional approaches.

It understands the intricate connection between your mind, body, and spirit. 

You will be guided to:

1. Cultivate Mind-Body Connection: Chronic illness can create a disconnect between your mind and body. Somatic Experiencing (SE) therapy recognizes this and helps you bridge the gap. I will guide you in developing a deep understanding of how your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations interplay. By cultivating a mind-body connection, you'll gain insights and tools to support your mental well-being.

2. Transform Your Relationship with Pain: Living with chronic illness can be a daily battle, but you don't have to face it alone. We will work together to explore techniques that help you navigate and transform your relationship with pain. By addressing the emotional and mental aspects associated with pain, you'll discover strategies to reduce suffering and improve your overall quality of life.

3. Embrace Self-Compassion and Resilience: Chronic illness can challenge your self-esteem and resilience. Through Somatic Experiening (SE) therapy, I will guide you in cultivating self-compassion and nurturing your inner strength. Together, we will develop strategies to manage stress, build resilience, and enhance your ability to adapt to the challenges that come with chronic conditions. You'll learn to honor your journey and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

4. Rediscover Joy and Meaning: Chronic illness  can make it challenging to find joy and meaning in your life. But I believe that despite your circumstances, there are opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Through Somatic Experiencing (SE), I will help you rediscover what brings you joy, explore new possibilities, and create a life that aligns with your values and passions. Together, we will uncover your unique strengths and create a roadmap for a meaningful and purpose-driven life. 

Brighter days are ahead.

Schedule a 20-minute consultation today.